Asia Cargo Network Delivers First Aircraft Ahead of Schedule for MENA Cargo Airlines

Inaugural flight takes off since partnership and strategic alliance
was announced last month.
Inaugural flight takes off since partnership and strategic alliance
was announced last month.
JB Tower, Jl. Kebon Sirih,No.48-50, Kel Gambir, Kec. Gambir,
Jakarta Pusat 10110
Level 20, Office Suite
Wisma UOA
19 Jalan Pinang
50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
MENA Aerospace Hangar Complex
Bahrain International Airport
Building 265, Raya Highway Smaheej 237
Maharraq, Bahrain
1301, Bayswater Tower, Business Bay, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Asia Square Tower 1
8 Marina View, #14-07
Singapore 018960